Cat Training and Behaviour
Addressing your Cat’s Behaviour
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Private Cat Consultations

Cat Training Newcastle

Is your cat:
  • Toileting outside of their litterbox or spraying up against walls
  • Not coping with a new cat or dog in the household
  • Fighting with other cats in the house
  • Attacking the humans in your home and/or visitors?
It’s time to seek professional help!

Cats can be perplexing creatures. Their nuanced behaviours are why we love them—they’re enigmatic, charming, charismatic, and sometimes… quite vexing. We consider ourselves to be expert cat behaviour detectives. We’re here to unravel the secrets and mysteries of your feline and bring peace to your cat-loving soul!

Our expert cat trainers are here to help you resolve these issues and create a harmonious home for both you and your feline friends.

Cat Behavioural Challenges We Tackle

Is your cat driving you crazy? Our cat behaviourist can help! We can help with problems such as:

  • Litter training
  • Destruction
  • Vocalising
  • Litter box issues
  • Urine marking
  • Inter-cat aggression
  • Fearful, timid, or shy cats
  • Scratching in inappropriate places
  • Aggressive behaviour towards people
  • Meowing and yowling
  • Enrichment and meeting your cat’s needs
  • Kitten training and education

Kitten Training

Did you know we do ‘Kitten Training’ too? A great start in life helps ensure a happy, well-adjusted adult cat who will bond with you and your family for a future with lots of cuddles and love.

We’re as dedicated to your cat’s happiness, security and comfort as you are. Enjoy training in the cosy confines of your home (we come to you) or through convenient Skype/Zoom video appointments.

For a blissful and balanced relationship with your feline friend book your initial consultation now and we’ll navigate this journey together!

Cat Consultation

Cat Consultation –
In your Home

For cats (and kittens)
80 – 90 mins

Cat Training FAQs

What issues can you help me with in a ‘Private Cat Consultation’ ?

There are many things you can do to help your feline friend. Our qualified feline behavioural trainer is an excellent detective who can help to investigate why your cat is behaving the way he/she is and put into place a number of strategies to help modify this behaviour.

Here are some issues we can help with:

  • Litter training
  • Destruction
  • Vocalising
  • Litter box issues
  • Urine marking
  • Inter-cat aggression
  • Fearful, timid or shy cats
  • Scratching in inappropriate places
  • Aggressive behaviour towards people
  • Meowing and yowling
  • Enrichment and meeting your cat’s needs
What do we do in a private ‘Cat Behaviour Consultation?’

In these private consultations, we first start off by taking a history of your cat to obtain information that will help us to determine the cause of your cat’s behaviour and how to then help your cat. We will ask lots of questions!

We then discuss a treatment plan and give you strategies to implement when we leave.

It is important that you are able to dedicate the time and effort to implement these strategies consistently at home so that you can see improvements in the behaviour of your cat.

Changing your cat’s behaviour requires you to change your behaviour first so it is important that you are committed, willing and able to implement these strategies.

What do I need to know before I book my cat in?
  • Before you book, it is important that you have realistic expectations about what we provide. We do NOT have a magic wand to fix your cat. Our consultations are about helping you to understand why the behaviour is happening and then how to help your cat. How we propose that might be different to your expectations and that is ok. As long as you keep your mind open to learning new information, that is all we ask of you.
  • It is important that you are able to dedicate the time and effort to implement you plan so that you can see improvements in the behaviour of your cat. We are not responsible for the outcome as we do not live with your cat and we are not implementing the training on a daily basis with your cat. It is our responsibility to provide you with the most up-to-date, scientific based, positive reinforcement information in regards to training and behaviour. It is your responsibility to implement it when we leave.
  • We also discuss your expectations as many times, pet parent expectations of their cat and their behaviour are unrealistic. Expectations are disappointments waiting to happen so shifting your expectations can go a long way in improving your bond with your cat. Your expectations of what we can provide also need to be address as many people come to us expecting we will magically fix their cat. This is not the case just like when you go to a psychologist who cannot magically fix your behaviour.
  • Changing your cat’s behaviour requires you to change your behaviour first so it is important that you are committed, willing and able to put into practice what you have learnt in our private sessions/consultations.
  • As much as we would like to have a magic wand and solve all your cat’s behaviour issues immediately, behaviour change involves time and involves many factors.
  • Many times, we also educate the pet parent as a lack of knowledge and understanding of the feline species can impact the relationship you have with your cat.
  • Depending on your cat’s training and behavioural challenges, you will need to understand that you may need several sessions before you gain the knowledge and understanding as well as the skills to help your cat.
I have booked my cat in, now what do I do?
  1. On the day of your appointment, make sure you are prepared by having some food ready to be used for training your cat. Cooked meat is our preferred healthy option for your cat. Remember to cut the food up into small pieces. NO DRY TREATS OR DRY FOOD PLEASE.
  2. We will arrive ON TIME. PLEASE be home at the allocated time of your appointment. We have clients before and after you and if you are late, we cannot run into the next client’s appointment time. This means if you run late, your consultation will end at the allocated time and you will not receive your full allocated time. Please respect our time.
  3. CANCELLATIONS OR RESCHEDULING: We require 3 business days notice for cancellation or rescheduling otherwise the full consultation fee will be charged.
  4. NO SHOWS: If we turn up and you are not home and you have not told us or given any notice, the full consultation fee will be charged. Please be respectful as we have set aside time for your consultation that others could have taken.
What is your cancellation and rescheduling policy for your ‘Cat Training and Behaviour Consultations’ ?

If you cancel or re-schedule your consultation with us within 3 business days of your scheduled appointment time, the full fee will be charged.

Please understand that we have other people waiting to see us and we also need to pay our bills and run our business.

We are happy to re-schedule or cancel your appointment time if more than 3 business days notice is given. This must be done in writing to us via e-mail.

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