Adamstown Bar Beach Belair Broadmeadow Carrington Cooks Hill Georgetown Hamilton The Hill Islington The Junction Kotara Lambton Lambton Gardens Maryville Mayfield Merewether Newcastle New Lambton Rankin Park Tighes Hill Wickham Hillsborough Belmont North Bennetts Green Charlestown Charlestown East Charlestown South Dudley Eleebana Floraville Garden Suburb Highfields Jewells Kahibah Lakelands Macquarie Hills Mount Hutton Redhead Speers Point Tingira Heights Valentine Warners Bay WhitebridgeAdamstown Bar Beach Belair Broadmeadow Carrington Cooks Hill Georgetown Hamilton The Hill Islington The Junction Kotara Lambton Lambton Gardens Maryville Mayfield Merewether Newcastle New Lambton Rankin Park Tighes Hill Wickham Hillsborough Belmont North Bennetts Green Charlestown Charlestown East Charlestown South Dudley Eleebana Floraville Garden Suburb Highfields Jewells Kahibah Lakelands Macquarie Hills Mount Hutton Redhead Speers Point Tingira Heights Valentine Warners Bay Whitebridge
Cat Behavioural Challenges We Tackle
Is your cat driving you crazy? Our cat behaviourist can help! We can help with problems such as:

Kitten Training
Did you know we do ‘Kitten Training’ too? A great start in life helps ensure a happy, well-adjusted adult cat who will bond with you and your family for a future with lots of cuddles and love.
We’re as dedicated to your cat’s happiness, security and comfort as you are. Enjoy training in the cosy confines of your home (we come to you) or through convenient Skype/Zoom video appointments.
For a blissful and balanced relationship with your feline friend book your initial consultation now and we’ll navigate this journey together!