Adamstown Bar Beach Belair Broadmeadow Carrington Cooks Hill Georgetown Hamilton The Hill Islington The Junction Kotara Lambton Lambton Gardens Maryville Mayfield Merewether Newcastle New Lambton Rankin Park Tighes Hill Wickham Hillsborough Belmont North Bennetts Green Charlestown Charlestown East Charlestown South Dudley Eleebana Floraville Garden Suburb Highfields Jewells Kahibah Lakelands Macquarie Hills Mount Hutton Redhead Speers Point Tingira Heights Valentine Warners Bay WhitebridgeAdamstown Bar Beach Belair Broadmeadow Carrington Cooks Hill Georgetown Hamilton The Hill Islington The Junction Kotara Lambton Lambton Gardens Maryville Mayfield Merewether Newcastle New Lambton Rankin Park Tighes Hill Wickham Hillsborough Belmont North Bennetts Green Charlestown Charlestown East Charlestown South Dudley Eleebana Floraville Garden Suburb Highfields Jewells Kahibah Lakelands Macquarie Hills Mount Hutton Redhead Speers Point Tingira Heights Valentine Warners Bay Whitebridge
Behavioural Assessments and Temperament Testing
Menacing and Dangerous Dogs
It’s every dog owner’s nightmare. Your dog is involved in an “incident”, or you receive a “dangerous or menacing” dog declaration from the council.
If this has happened to you, don’t wait! Contact us now for a comprehensive behaviour assessment, and we’ll help you navigate the path towards safety and security for you and your dog. It’s scary to do this alone, but rest assured; we’re here to help!
We understand the rollercoaster of emotions during these challenging times–from embarrassment to fear, anger, sadness, and upset. The toll on you and your family, including your furry friend, can be overwhelming. We understand!
How We Help

Important Information
An application to revoke a declaration can only be made after a 12-month period from the date your dog was declared dangerous or menacing. For further details, please consult your local council.
Don’t wait or hesitate; time is of the essence. Book Your Behavioural Assessment Now!